“I wanted to express my sincere thanks for a truly excellent training program. The foundational information as well as the practical application content and hands-on exercises were compelling and clear. Going in I planned to reserve judgment about whether I would volunteer. I definitely want to pursue volunteering and would very much like to do it through CRC and take advantage of the apprenticeship program.  Thanks again for the care you gave to our group. It really came through!”

30-hour Mediator Training ParticipantInvestor

“Class was engaging — lots of opportunities to be actively involved in discussion, which is not always the case with zoom trainings.”

Continuing Education testimonialsInvestor

“The instructor really put in the time to make the materials interesting and relevant. She asked good questions.”

Continuing Education testimonialsInvestor

“The most valuable part of the course for me was talking through how to respond to racism coming up in a mediation, and going through the specific example scenarios.”

Continuing Education testimonialsInvestor

“The course was presented very well, easily understood and applied. I appreciated balance between presentation of materials/content and member participation.”

Continuing Education testimonialsInvestor

“As a community organizer / community organizer trainer, I have pulled into a lot of impromptu community organization-based conflicts internally and externally to serve in a mediation role. The instructors were great in covering so many facets of Mediation from the practical theories, to real world experiences, to skills sharing, use of the training materials, dealing with race (and other “ISMS”), plus building a good co-learning environment among all of our class participants.”

30-hour Mediator Training ParticipantInvestor

“I have already found that listening, and letting the other side be heard and “seen” has a powerful impact on a conversation. I have been involved in a few conflict situations and allowing the other person to have “uninterrupted” time and to listen has de-escalated the situation. I really enjoyed the class discussion. I think the work as a mediator is going to be a challenge, and I look forward to it.”

30-hour Mediator Training ParticipantInvestor

“The curriculum generally was extremely useful, and I will use the skills I learned in this class at work and at home! I feel fortunate to have taken this class, at this time, with this group — everyone was thoughtful and willing to share, so our class discussions were really powerful, and that was one of my favorite things about the course. I also thought Erica and Sharon made a terrific pair and complemented one another beautifully. Their team work made the course a success!”

30-hour Mediator Training ParticipantInvestor

Nam id libero quis metus tincidunt aliquet. In molestie nibh at ipsum maximus, tristique congue lacus ultrices. Pellentesque non risus urna. Curabitur hendrerit convallis euismod.

Anna WhiteInvestor

Mauris rhoncus est eget efficitur consequat. Praesent tempus suscipit ante, eu egestas orci porttitor interdum. Integer luctus, leo porta lacinia convallis, diam purus finibus lectus, ut rutrum quam velit id orci. Aenean hendrerit ante sed turpis interdum consequat. Proin eleifend nulla!

Tiffany WhiteBusiness Owner